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Northern Waves


Updated: Jan 28, 2019

Northern Waves is a TV-Tech and Business Conference on the 31st of May 2018. The one day even will feature speakers including leaders, specialists and decision makers from within the TV industry to present on topics of how TV-technology impacts business directions of streaming service owners and the industry itself.


Addressable TV & Advertisements 

People can now watch their favoured TV and video content anytime on a variety of devices and many do not use the conventional TV at home. This means advertisers cannot count on reaching audiences with just traditional broadcast TV advertising. So how can advertisers ensure they are reaching the right viewers with the right message? 

The introduction and presentations of Addressable TV advertising at Northern Waves will explore how pay-tv operators and broadcasters increase value for the advertisers and at the same time make better and more personal viewer experiences for the consumers. A series of real case studies from the Scandinavian market; including commercial broadcasters as well as pay-TV operators will explain such new TV experiences.

There will also be presentations about technologies and standards that exist today and are how they are being used in the field to achieve the goals set out by Addressable TV. In the afternoon sessions at Northern Waves 2018 there will be a focus on how the industry can come together and agree on standards to bring better value to advertisers and users. TV 2 Play in Denmark and RiksTV in Norway will present related topics.

These are not the only topics addressed in the afternoon and it does not end there!

In the final session of the show we will have broadcasters and operators present real case studies from the field to showcase some of their greatest innovations and achievements in the new digital world of TV. We will also look into the future to see how exponential technologies such as AI and machine learning will revolutionise our TV industry in the years to come.

An entertaining and social evening with a networking Jazz event follow the afternoon sessions along with a gala dinner and more networking and socializing. The evening alongside a late Norwegian summer sunset is the perfect place to be on the 31st of May 2018.

Tune in and stay tuned!


Afternoon sessions (13.30 – 17.30)


Addressable TV: Adverts for TV 2 PLAY - Technology, Challenges & Results

Speaker: Magnus Rask Detlif, Head of Development, TV2 Denmark

Adverts within Pay-TV Operator Services: Swedish Broadcasters and Operators case study

Speaker: Magnus Svensson, Media Solution Consultant, Eyevinn Technology      

Data-driven TV: Personalised TV experiences: Content and Advertising

Speaker: Jon Espen Nergård, Director TV Everywhere & Behavioural Data, Canal Digital


4th industrial revolution & the Future of TV

Presented by Ms. Silvija Seres, Entrepreneur & Scientist


Public Broadcaster: NRK presents the future of public broadcasting

Speaker: Bjarne Andre Myklebust, Head of Distribution, NRK

Operator TV Analytics: Take control of your service through data

Speaker: Trond Hindenes, SRE Lead / DevOps Architect, RiksTV

Pay-TV operator Case Study: Android TV - in bed with the devil?

Speaker: Tone Krohn Clausen, VP / Chief Product & Digital Officer, Canal Digital

All international press / media enquiries to:

Stefania Gancitano

Project Lead – Northern Waves

M +47 484 00 893

Northern Waves is brought to you by Norigin Media:

NORIGIN MEDIA is a proudly Scandinavian company providing products for OTT TV & Video streaming services. With over a decade of experience in TV and video hosting; Norigin presents Northern Waves TV as a stand-alone industry event to gather and create an inner circle within the TV-Tech & business industry.  The company is head quartered in Oslo provides products and services to leading premium TV service owners across Europe and the Americas.


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