Scandinavia - a digital tech leader
SCANDINAVIA is a digital technology and design leader within a forward leaning TV industry. It leads in both creation as well as consumption patterns of TV and video content. The region is known for the creativity within the TV streaming industry since the consumer market demands continuously improved services. To keep pace with demand, Scandinavian tech companies strive to be on the forefront of delivering innovative solutions.
The Nordic region is arguably the most internet-connected region in the world. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland rank second, sixth, twelfth and sixteenth globally in terms of number of broadband subscriptions per capita and fifth, tenth, third, and second globally for mobile broadband subscriptions per capita. Coupled with the buying power from the region´s wealth, consumers continue to demand the latest and best digital services. The technology providers from the days of Tandberg in Norway or Ericsson in Sweden focused on investing in new form of video related technologies. We see many successful TV & video related technology companies coming from the region.
“Streaming is the new broadcast”
Scandinavia has always been the best testing market for any premium TV streaming or even digital services. It is a unique market in which not only streaming providers such as Viaplay and HBO Nordic compete aggressively against a global monopolist Netflix, but also the public broadcasters and news papers are on top of the lists for most consumed TV streaming services on all the Nordic countries.
The public broadcasters are the most creative compared to many other public broadcasters across the world. NRK, SVT, YLE & DR have been long known for TV innovation, which is always seen as creatively ahead with not only its use of latest video streaming technologies but also content formats. The success of the TV show, SKAM in Norway, which is launching internationally now, is a combination of both content production and technical creativity to make a storyline available across mobile devices and social media.
The regional commercial broadcasting players like TV2 Sumo (Norway), TV4 Play (Sweden), TV2 Play (Denmark), Katsomo (Finland) are creating separate business plans specifically revolving around the streaming units only. Viaplay has been a standalone brand and business, which can only showcase how a large conglomerate like MTG values the streaming business´s potentials.
Nordic Innovation
The Nordics is the only region where the newspapers VG, Aftenposten, Aftonbladet and Dagbladet have some of the highest consumed TV & video content. As a result, they compete strongly against TV News channels offered by broadcasters. Arguably these companies have maintained a strong position within the media space, where many others across the world struggle to transform with the fast moving digital media industry from print. Some of the Nordic newspapers like Aftonbladet and VG have stood through the tides of time and entered as strong players within the TV space with such strong positions within the streaming industry, as the print business dwindles.
Northern Waves TV Conference
Northern Waves TV, is a conference that brings together the TV industry’s inner circle of specialists, technologists, influencers and decision makers, to discuss innovation and the future business of TV tech. The aim is that the TV-Tech industry’s most prominent technology challenges are addressed and debated. Telenor, Canal Digital, GET TDC, RiksTV, Discovery Nordics, TV 2 and NRK have endorsed the show among others leading broadcasters and media companies.
The core message from the event is to get the TV industry together and discuss or debate choices of technologies and business goals for broadcasters and pay-tv operators in order to avoid fragmentations in a fast paced streaming world. Fragmentation of technology choices from large TV broadcasters and media companies would imply larger investments to maintain these technologies which may not be the best and efficient way for technology evolution.
With a conference agenda and speakers of unrivalled quality, Northern Waves TV hosts an array of speakers including senior-level executives and specialists from some of the world’s leading organisations in the TMT (technology, media and telecommunication) ecosystem.
All press / media enquiries to:
Stefania Gancitano
Project Lead – Northern Waves
M +47 484 00 893
Northern Waves is brought to you by Norigin Media:
NORIGIN MEDIA is a proudly Scandinavian company providing products for multi-screen TV & Video streaming services and products. With over a decade of experience in TV and video technologies; Norigin presents Northern Waves TV as a stand-alone industry event to gather and create an inner circle within the TV-Tech & business industry. The company is headquartered in Oslo.